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Zsuzsanna Surányi

H-1022 Budapest, Ruszti út 1.   Tel: (+36-1-) 214-7866   Fax: (+36-1-) 214-7866

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Zsuzsanna Surányi

   research project leader

    Telephone: 225-1341

    Fax: 214-7866

    E-mail: zsuzsanna.suranyi@straketing.hu



Profession: Psychologist

Professional Interest:

bulletFiltering out the  impression making of the interviewed people
bulletThe group dynamics of focus groups: advantages and disadvantages
bulletThe irrational and unconscious factors in decision making
bulletThe validity of the different statistical methods
bulletReliabilty and validity analyses of questionnaires





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<With any questions please feel free to contact us at straketing@straketing.hu e-mail account.
Last modified: 01/26/06