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dr. Gábor Strausz

H-1022 Budapest, Ruszti út 1.   Tel: (+36-1-) 214-7866   Fax: (+36-1-) 214-7866

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            dr. Gábor Strausz

               managing partner


                        Telefon: 225-1341

                        Fax: 214-7866

                        E-mail: gstrausz@straketing.hu


The founder and managing partner of STRAKETING Partnership, Dr. Gábor Strausz graduated from economics at the Budapest University of Economics in 1970. He got his doctorate at the same university in 1980, and an MBA in the United States, at the University of Maine in 1988.

In 1971 he joined the Hungarian Institute for Market Research where he spent 18 years as market analyst and head of a market research department.

From 1989 to 1991 he worked as marketing director for a Hungarian-American joint venture (Computerworld) and for a leading Hungarian computer distributor (Controll).

He prepared several dozens of market research reports and marketing strategies for Hungarian and foreign companies, and was marketing adviser of several firms.

In co-operation with local market research firms he organised and led some international studies (e.g. in Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Rumania and Austria).

Besides, he lectures marketing management, marketing research and marketing strategic planning as a part-time associate professor of the Corvinus University of Budapest.

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With any questions please feel free to contact us at straketing@straketing.hu e-mail account.
Last modified: 01/26/06